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What We Provide

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Comprehensive Reporting & Transparency
 We provide detailed reporting and maintain full transparency throughout the ITAD process, giving you complete visibility and peace of mind.
Data Security & Privacy Compliance
With our R2v3 certifications, we guarantee the highest standards in data security and privacy, ensuring your sensitive information is handled with the utmost care.
Value Recovery & Environmental Sustainability
Our ISO 14001 certification underscores our commitment to environmental management. We specialize in the reuse and repurposing of IT assets, maximizing their value while promoting sustainability by reducing e-waste.
Comprehensive Solutions & Services
We offer a wide range of tailored ITAD solutions and services that align with your business needs, ensuring a seamless and efficient transition for your outdated IT equipment.
Maximum ROI
With our diverse remarketing channels and quick inventory turnover, we ensure competitive pricing for your product. We have the ability to purchase small and large quantities and can offer a quick payment option.
Trusted Partner
Offer your customers more by adding buyback to your service offerings. When you work with us, we do all the legwork by managing every aspect of removing your customers’ used IT assets. We believe in building strong, lasting partnerships and are here to support you.

Products We Purchase

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We specialize in all laptops including Chromebooks, MacBooks and Windows devices. We purchase devices in all conditions from most major manufacturers including Apple, Dell, Microsoft, and Samsung.


We specialize in all tablets including Chromebooks, MacBooks and Windows devices. We purchase devices in all conditions from most major manufacturers including Apple, Dell, Microsoft, and Samsung.

Additional Technology

We buy back all mobile devices and most other technology including iMacs, Mac Mini’s, Mac Pro’s, Desktops and enterprise gear. We also purchase adapters and accessories for laptops, tablets, and other technology.

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